Every once in a while you need a new computer. Some people have been using it for more than 5 years, others always want the latest. Of course, that also largely depends on your budget and the use of the computer. For someone who only sends emails, a tablet may be enough, but if you edit films you really have different requirements and a different budget.
Nowadays the computer is indispensable in almost every company. If only because partners and the government almost force you to communicate via email or website. But of course you can also save a lot of time, for example by: a smart CRM system to keep track of all your customer contacts.
Or to easily send invoices and keep track of your costs with a free and simple administration system. Very useful as a company. You can't get that far without a computer.
We have been using a Mac for years and are very satisfied with them, partly because they last a long time and you do not need a new one every two years. Need a new Mac, check with aMac to see if they have something for you there.
You can often opt for a slightly older model on which you will receive a discount, or a so-called open-box model so that you save some money. As a student you are also eligible for a discount, which is a bonus!
Good luck with your choice!