
Saving, we can't stop talking about it

Saving, we're not going to stop talking about it either. Investing, saving, putting money aside, it's actually not that difficult. That's why we're going to help you every time to make it easier. To make you realize how important it is to save, put money aside and eliminate debts. There are various […]



You shouldn't start it, but sometimes you can't avoid it or it is something you carry with you from the past. But what you can do something about is how quickly you get rid of it. That's the most important thing about debt, is that you have a path to get rid of it [...]


Save for later – start now

Yes, save. You can't start early enough. And we will continue to reiterate this, because it is very important. And secretly also very easy. But, you have to do it for a while. So, start now 🙂 Whether you're saving for your retirement, for a fast car or […]


Start saving today.

Start saving today. Whatever your goal is, for a major purchase, perhaps your retirement, or something else, it doesn't really matter. You can read how to do this and why here.


How much do I need to retire?

I'm retiring
with 1 million.
How long would it take you to save up?


What should you do for 1 million?

1 million? Yes, 1 million euros to be precise. That sounds a bit lame or completely unrealistic, but if you do the math, it's not that bad. We will show that below. It is just very, very important that you start saving on time. We cannot repeat this enough. Get started […]