
Build up a pension, even as a self-employed person

In the Netherlands, more than 1.2 million self-employed people work as self-employed persons. An incredible, and growing, number. Never before have so many people chosen to start their own business. This self-employed person arranges everything himself, his customers, his insurance, a separate bank account for the business, and of course his own pension. That […]


Start saving today.

Start saving today. Whatever your goal is, for a major purchase, perhaps your retirement, or something else, it doesn't really matter. You can read how to do this and why here.


Self-employed pension

What does ZZP stand for? Self-employed Without Pension… That is of course not funny, but unfortunately it is often the truth. It remains the case that many entrepreneurs do not have a good pension scheme. And yet it is so easy to open a retirement account and start saving for your retirement. More important is the question […]